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Green Office Certification Program


The Office of Sustainability developed the Green Office Certification is an upcoming program to help faculty and staff transform their workspace and office practices to create a greener and more sustainable office culture. The KSC Green Office Certification Program helps staff and faculty learn about and implement easy and effective sustainable behavior that you can practice in your daily work routines. 


What Qualifies as an “Office”?

For the purposes of the KSC Green Office Program, an Office can be either an entire team/office/division, or a group of people who share a common space and common resources. “Offices” must consist of a minimum of 3 people. 


Certification Process:

The Office of Sustainability wants the Green Office Certification process to be accessible, rewarding, and easy to participate in. We are excited to work with you to ‘green’ your workspace!

  1. Contact the Office of Sustainability’s Sustainability Engagement Coordinator, Caitlin Holden, at to begin the Green Office Certification process

  2. The Office of Sustainability staff will work with you and your team to review your office space, office norms and practices, and work with you to develop a plan to make reasonable adjustments.  

  3. An implementation timeline will be set, including a target date for the Office of Sustainability to conduct an official evaluation, which will result in a Green Office Certification of either bronze, silver, or gold. The evaluation will also include an explanation of the assessment results and ideas on how to improve for future assessments.

  4. The Green Office Certification evaluates office practices through several criteria including energy use, waste reduction and management, and office supplies and use. There are also bonus points that can be earned for additional actions.  

  5. Your department will be given stickers corresponding to your official certification level, to display on office doors/windows, etc.

  6. Certifications are valid for a period of 1 academic year, and offices can elect to recertify at any time


Green Events Certification


KSC hosts many on-campus events throughout the year, both for the campus community and for the wider Keene community. The goal of the Green Events Certification Guide is to provide instructions for participating event planners to assist them in creating events that are as eco-friendly as possible. Not only will this help KSC attain our sustainability goals, but this is also an excellent opportunity to educate program planners and attendees about the environmental impact of holding events and gatherings. If you have any questions about the Green Events Certification Guide, please contact Caitlin Holden, Sustainability Engagement Coordinator, at  







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