Keene State College Sustainability
Keene State College cares deeply about our communities—the human communities where we live, work, study, and play—and also the non-human communities that share our regional home. Our ethic of care frames our approach to sustainability.

Keene State College Sustainability Goals
Overarching Keene State College Sustainability Goal, 2015:
Achieve the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) STARS Gold Rating by the end of 2020 and Platinum Rating no later than the end of 2025.
Sustainability College-Wide Learning Outcome, 2018:
Keene State College students will explore their place in interconnected natural and human systems; evaluate the personal, social, and environmental impacts of their choices; and apply their knowledge and skills for building a just, resilient, and thriving world. As a result of the sustainability learning outcome, the College has developed a new Sustainability Studies major and minor. These new programs compliment other sustainability related majors and minors offered at KSC. Learn more about sustainability in academics here.
Specific Energy and Conservation Goals, 2018:
Greenhouse Gas Reduction:
Reduce greenhouse gases 50% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
Energy and Water Conservation:
· Reduce per capita electricity and heat load by 20% by 2020
· Water Conservation: Reduce per capita water use by 20% by 2020
Renewable Energy: Power KSC Buildings with the Sun and Other Renewables
· 100% renewable heat plant by 2020
· 100% renewable electricity for LLC by 2030 to meet its Architecture 2030 goal
· 100% solar power for TDS by 2030
· 100% of campus powered by renewables by 2030
Waste Reduction:
50% waste diversion rate by 2020 and qualify as a zero-waste campus by 2030
Sustainability Highlights
LR 100; KSC's Path to Clean Energy
Keene State College is the first college in the nation to have 100% of its heat plant run on recycled used vegetable oil- this heats about 80% of the buildings on campus. KSC swapped out its old heating oil for LR 100, a purified waste vegetable oil that is fully renewable, low carbon, and a healthy alternative to fossil fuels. KSC’s choice to use LR100 demonstrates full circle sustainability because all of the used vegetable oil from the College’s kitchens is collected and used to make the fuel, thus eliminating waste. This bold step takes our campus even closer to our sustainability goals. Learn more here.
Sustainability Collegewide Learning Outcome
KSC's commitment to sustainability is demonstrated through the Sustainability Learning Outcome, a key tenet of education at the college. The Sustainability Collegewide Learning Outcome states: Keene State College students will explore their place in interconnected natural and human systems; evaluate the personal, social, and environmental impacts of their choices; and apply their knowledge and skills for building a just, resilient, and thriving world.
Waste management: How Recycling and Composting Bring KSC Closer to Zero Waste Goal
KSC has made great strides towards our Zero waste goals. The College was able to reach a 50% diversion rate* as a result of our waste management systems. The composting program expanded to include all food waste and compostable materials. In addition to compost bins in the Dinning Commons and Students Center to collet compostable materials, food paper composting bins were introduced in the dorm buildings. This allow students to compost materials such as greasy pizza boxes that would otherwise end up in the landfill.

Student Engagement
Spreading a culture of sustainability across campus.
Recycling On Campus at Keene State
The Office of Sustainability partners with the Environmental Studies department to provide students with valuable sustainability work experience.
The Keene State College Office of Sustainability announced the new KSCÂ Sustainability Innovation Fund created to fund student projects.
Office of Sustainability Resources